Diary 1
13 Maret 2021, Pembekalan Tarbiyah
Oleh : Hermida Idris
Assalamu'alaykum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Hi, My name is Hermida Idris, I'm majoring in tarbiyah of Islamic Education Counseling Guidance Study Program at IAIN Ternate. I'm 21 years old.
Today is a provision of Tarbiyah. Before, the names were announced then when I read it, I will be in Popilo village, North Tobelo. The Names is Hermida Idris (Islamic Education Counseling Guidance), Riskiawan Hasan (Akhwal Al-Syakhsiyyah), Susmiati Rajak (Management Sharia Finance), Dewi Astuti Kohongia (Tadris Biology), Ahmad Hi. Lukman Bilo (Sharia Financial Management), Rawia Kuwairumaratu (Sharia Banking), Sridevy Kunup (Sharia Banking), Dirwan Ajang (Akhwal Al-Syakhsiyyah), Amin Abdullah Tabaika (Tadris Biology), and Firda La Tonu (Management of Islamic Education).
I don't know all of them except Susmiati Rajak because we are in the same high school is Madrasah Aliyah Al-Ma'arif Jikotamo but I am not familiar her. At that time, I was afraid because I don't know them. Than, I chat Susmiati on Facebook.
In fact, I don't know popilo village. I have never even been there before. But, I'm searching on google maps.
The presenters have explained about Thematic KKN and thema have adopted by them. The first material, Harmonis Pendidikan Beragama Perspektif Moderasi Islam, presented by Dr. Adnan Muhammad. S.Ag., M.A.
The next, Mr. Sukardi Abbas, Mr. Julkarnain and Mr. Agus Salim explain about Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) which we'll explore the potential of each village community. The Lecturers equip KKN students before be going into the field or village.
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