Dufa-dufa Beach

Dufa-Dufa Beach

By : Hermida Idris

In the afternoon, I take a walk on the dufa-dufa beach in the city of Ternate.  I used to hang out there.  Sometimes alone and sometimes with friends.  The panoramic view of the sea is cool and very beautiful, there are many people sitting there, some are drinking a young coconut ice, somebody are eating a cilok, etc.  They sit in pairs, groups or only alone.

Yes, Really.  If comparison, I prefer the beach atmosphere to the mountains.  Usually, I always get a lot of writing ideas when I'm sitting on the beach.

Well, that afternoon, I was walking without friends.  You see, after returning home from campus, I decided to stop there first.

I sit around it and holding books, pens and don't forget the snacks.  The snacks are just aqua and kusuka (a kind of snack).

A few minutes later.  There was a group of boys heading for the beach.  Little children are of different ages.  But, let's say that the oldest is a junior high school student.  I saw from the blue pants he was wearing.  A group of boys want to swim on the beach.

One of the boys.  Say, he is the youngest of them.  He greeted me, "Kakak? Kakak?"

I looked at him with a sweet smile.  "Yes, Dek!"  The other kids looked at me too.

So, came out of the mouth of the boy who greeted me.  "Sarangheo, Kakak!"  He hinted his finger in the form of love in Korean style.

They rushed to swim on the beach.

Wallah, I was shocked.  Shocked not "baper".  It's just a wonder, these little kids understand this better.

I was funny at first.  But, it's a little sad, really.  Just want to say, where do children get words like that, if not from watching or even hearing from their friends who even like to watch Korean or other love films.

Sometimes, things like this hit myself.  This is a lesson for me so that one day I have to educate my children well, especially shows like this, of course, for me it is destructive.

I don't just blame my parents.  But, sometimes the environment also plays an important role in educating children.  Therefore, we as parents must be smart in creating a good environment.


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